What hummingbirds does Oklahoma have? Migration map shows common species seen in state

Hummingbird migration is officially underway, and the tiny birds have been spotted across Oklahoma.

In Oklahoma, sightings so far this spring have been the Black-chinned and Ruby-throated hummingbirds.

The Black-chinned and Ruby-throated hummingbirds will nest in Oklahoma and can be seen through the summer months, before migrating back south in September.

Hummingbirds eat nectar from flowers and small insects, such as aphids and spiders.

Each day, a hummingbird feeds in many small meals, and they can consume up to 12 times their own body weight in nectar each day.

The easiest way to attract hummingbirds is by hanging a feeder.

If you want to attract hummingbirds on a larger scale, you'll want to design your garden or flowerbeds around their needs: shelter, plenty of flowers and a bird bath.


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